It's finally here! The first round of Custom VinylMadness starts tomorrow, March 2nd. This month long voting process will determine Vinylmation fandom's favorite Custom Vinylmation.
Using a familiar looking bracket system, each vinyl submitted has been randomly drawn out of a hat to determine it's location in the bracket. Customs will be paired off and fans will choose their most favorite of the two. The custom with the most votes then moves on to the next round. There are a total of 56 entries this year, so customs in the 1 through 8 spots will have a bye in the first round.
Every round will start with a post announcing that round's pairs. Fans will have two days to vote for their favorites at facebook.com/destinationvinylmation. On the third day we will announce the winners who will be moving on and also post the next round.
There are four regions to the bracket labeled "Fantasyland", "Tomorrowland", "Adventureland" and "Frontierland". These names are just to help organize the figures and mean nothing about the location of the artist.
Some quick notes. All figures will be shown with the name their artist gave them along with a number. The artist's names will not be revealed until the end of the contest. Artists, please feel free to share and post to your Facebook groups asking people to vote for your figures. Please keep these posts positive; as in "Go vote for my figure" as opposed to negative "Don't vote for this figure, it's ugly". DV reserves the right to disqualify any artist's custom entry. If that artist is found to be making negative statements against another artist or custom during this contest. Let's keep this a celebration of the art form!
Congrats to every artist, any of these entries is worthy of the top spot, but only one can win it! That winner will also get a banner on the DV home page for 3 months that can link to the artist's web page, Facebook page, or store!

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