Thursday, March 8, 2012

All Aboard! A Park 9 Vinylmation is Previewed

Yesterday on the Vinylmation Facebook page...
They previewed for us a pretty amazing looking 3" Park 9 design! It's the No. 2 Lilly Belle locomotive from Walt Disney World. The Lilly Belle is named after Walt Disney's wife Lillian Disney. Lilly Belle is also the name of the scaled-down steam locomotive Walt had built in his backyard. It is also the name of the special caboose car guests can board at the Disneyland Railroad.
This is a great shot of the Lilly Belle from the website It is interesting to note that the Lilly Belle is a restored train that was built in 1928... does that year sound familiar? As important as trains were to Walt, I'm surprised it took us this long to see one of the locomotives made into Vinylmation. One of my favorite Walt Disney quotes, probably because it shows his gigantic creative thinking coupled with his child like qualities is “I just want it to look like nothing else in the world. And it should be surrounded by a train.” And this Vinylmation is like nothing else. What do you think of the top?
I really love it. If there was one negative, I would want a little more realness and grit tot he design instead of the clean illustration. But it looks very good and has me already anticipating Park 9. I can also see this one become an easy, and masterfully used, variant. We know practically the full line of Park 9 by the way. Check out this post from when the pins were leaked last fall.

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