Monday, March 21, 2011

From the Top of Our Heads

Last Friday, along with all the other crazy things that happened, Disney released the Urban 6 Mickey Ear Hats. Nick bought the Gumball Hat. We really liked the ears, espeically when it was revealed that they would have plastic balls that could move around. Check out the heavy plastic piece for the machine knob.
Both hats come with a 3" piece, the best 3" hat pieces ever.
This piece (along with the viking 3") is by far the best piece to have accompanied the Urban hats. Normally the 3" piece is a clear vinyl with a representation of the hat on it's ears. This one is so much better. Not only is it a great figure showing a boy who's bubble has burst; but it's the second part of a story told by 3" vinyls. The first part of the story is shown in the 3" vinyl that will come with the 9" Gumball Machine figure.
The other Mickey Ear hat to be released on Friday was the Urban 6 Viking Hat. I love the horns on the hat. I also like the fur around the base of the horns. Like the Gumball Hat, the Viking hat comes with a great 3" figure. A smaller version of the Urban 6 9" Viking, this adorable guy has horns and some fancy pants. This is the first time I've even considered the thought of buying the Urban Hats for the 3" figures.

What do you think of these hats? Compared to the ones in the past? How about the 3" figures?

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