Monday, January 7, 2013

Myths and Legends Explained

Myths and Legends
Release Date: January 7, 2013
Disney Stores and Online

Myths and Legends is a mystery set of 12 designed by the Disney Store Artists. Once again, they have decided to bring artist cards back, but to utilize them in a very unique way.

Big Foot
Quincy Sutton

The larger than normal feet is another shining example of innovation at the Disney Store. It is also just another reason why this new platform was developed.

Jim Valeri

Great job with the little details making him look down right nasty... which in this case is good.

Enrique Pita

A seemingly simple idea, made to look brilliant with beautiful wings and some character in the facial expression.

Nacho Rodriguez

I like the sculpted hat. I will say if you put this one against Caley Hick's Gnome from Urban 8, I will take the Urban Gnome. But this guy looks like he is up to trouble.

Nacho Rodriguez

No on really knows what this guy looks like, so imagination was endless for the artist here.

Gerald Mendez

Nice job with the tangled web of snakes. I'm scared to look this one in the eyes.

Quincy Sutton

For some reason, the bright colors don't allow this one to fit into the set in my opinion. I think in this case, she needed to have her face framed more by here hair.

Enrique Pita

Big nose! I like how Disney Store artists often let the characters look to the side.

Pan with pipes
Quincy Sutton

Once again, Disney Store Artists rise above and beyond with accessories.

Nacho Rodriguez

This guy looks down right grumpy... and I love it. Great touch with the mushrooms drawn in the ears.

Jim Valeri

Yeti is catching up to Cheshire Cat as one of the most used characters outside the Fab 5. His mouth is a little odd in my opinion, but I love the drool.

Mystery Chaser

Click image to reveal the chaser.

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