Friday, March 30, 2012

Monorails: Under the Hood

We have talked a ton about the new Monorails. We have given our first impressions from pictures and seeing them behind a display case, but today, we were able to get our hands on a Monorail figure as they went up for sale at D-Street. I don't think my impressions have changed, but a few things were revealed today that make my review more complete.
The first thing worth mentioning is the share weight and heft of these once you get them in hand... and that is a very good thing. I was expecting a light piece of flexible vinyl. Instead what we get is a solid piece of vinyl that has great sturdiness and a high quality feel.
I was able to get a feel for the quality from behind the display plastic, but in hand, they are very impressive. Each figure is finished with a gloss coating that gives a sharp and shinny look. It also gives them a high quality feel. It also seems the paint on these will not easily be ruined.
Without the little details, these would not succeed. That is why the designers went the extra mile to give us details like this. The ridges on the rear of the vinyl car.
We have already seen this view, but it is worth repeating, without the space underneath for the track, this design would flop. As it stands, they captured all the curvature of the cabin.
I am also impressed with the detail on the sides where the "wheels" meet the cabin.
Like other Vinylmation, the bottom features the logo and artist signature. After opening the blind box, my overall impression of the Monorails, although already positive, improved because the mold is simply spectacular. They also did an impressive job with the design application. However my overall thoughts on this series have not changed. I am more excited with the mold and the possibilities to come than I am of an entire series of Cars characters. That being said, you will see me pick up or trade for a few of my favorites. If you are worried about these being more like toys than collectible vinyls, put those fears aside. These are beautiful collectibles and I'm excited something this innovative is under the Vinylmation name.

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